"All services on the investors, and everything conducive to investors." This is the headquarters of the Universal Declaration of Yongchun Knitting Group. Yongchun To ensure that all investors can maximize profits, special offers the following support:
Yongchun trademark of the convention to enjoy the use of authority;
Yongchun all products have the right to operate. Products timely updates, giving priority to add agents or Union to provide the latest products and trends reporting;
Authorize the use of a unified business brand and corporate VI visual system;
Right conditions to build shops, set up shop to join to provide support and advice;
Site assessment;
Store Opening;
Pre-market research;
The long-term national, local, single-store media, Hironobu support.
TV Media:
Print Media:
Network: Sina, Sohu, Netease, google, Baidu and so on.